Embers of Awakening: From Firestorms to Climate Healing

Fri Oct 4 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Embers of Awakening: From Firestorms to Climate Healing blends the powerful personal stories of fire survivors with interviews from scientists, activists, politicians, and other community members to inspire each viewer toward positive engagement and action.
Fri Oct 4
6:30PM - 8:30PM

Admission to this film is free with registration, courtesy of the support from the Hawaiʻi State Climate Commission.
Sixty-mile-per-hour winds, tinder-dry hills, car-melting firestorm tornadoes that travel the length of a football field every three seconds that is what Sonoma County experienced in October 2017, when it lost 22 lives and 5,200 structures, and awoke to the deep pain of climate change. Embers of Awakening: From Firestorms to Climate Healing blends the powerful personal stories of fire survivors with interviews from scientists, activists, politicians, and other community members to inspire each viewer toward positive engagement and action. 
A panel discussion will follow the screening to discuss the themes of the film with producer Shirley Thompson and Lahaina waterman Archie Kalepa. Moderated by Leah Laramee. 
This series is presented in partnership with the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Institute for Sustainability and Resilience, Better Tomorrow Speaker Series, Hawaiʻi State Climate Commission. 

Phyllis Ann Rosenfield
75 min