
Education has always been an integral part of the Honolulu Museum of Art’s mission. Working closely with educators and schools, we provide resources and experiences to make visual art a foundational element of learning.

Student visits

The museum offers many ways for educators and their students to visit and experience the museum. HoMA’s guided school visits and self-guided visits for schools, homeschools and universities are free of cost.

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Educator resources

Access a downloadable suite of free art resources for educators to use in classrooms. 

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Educator workshops

Our workshops for educators delve into various ways to integrate HoMA’s resources into classroom instruction. 

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Lending Collection

The Lending Collection is the place to borrow objects—from Hawaiian poi pounders to African masks—that are historically, culturally, and artistically significant and can be used to support lessons in classrooms. 


Educator Newsletter 

Sign up for our e-newsletter and designate your interest in educator resources to learn about all education-related learning materials and professional development opportunities available through the museum.

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