Educator resources

Education is integral to the Honolulu Museum of Art’s mission. The museum works closely with teachers and schools to make art part of the lives of students.  

Sign up for our enewsletter and indicate your interest in educator resources to learn about all education-related learning materials and professional development opportunities available through the museum. 

See Art Make Art video series

The best way to learn about art is to experience it. HoMA’s See Art Make Art Video Series invites students to engage in art, even from a distance, by seeing, making, and talking about art!  


Downloadable resources

To support arts education in schools, we offer a suite of free resources for you to download and use in your classrooms.  

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Lending Collection

Enrich lessons with hands-on, object-based learning experiences. Request a theme-specific curated box of objects from our Lending Collection. 

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Robert Allerton Art Library

HoMA’s non-circulating library has a comprehensive collection of books, catalogs, biographical files, and the latest art magazines. It is an invaluable resource for researchers, staff, educators, students, and museum visitors. 

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