See Art Make Art video series

Elements of Art Series

In this video series, students can explore the elements of art. Examine each element while taking in works from our collection and engage in an art activity led by one of our Studio Programs teachers. Each part of the series addresses a different element of art and has three sections:  

  • Art in Context: Seeing  
  • Art in Practice: Making  
  • Art in Conversation: Talking  

Each section can be experienced together on a single day, or shared over a number of sessions, to fit with your teaching schedule and classroom. 


A transformative and vibrant element, students will discover how color creates change, evokes emotions, and impacts our senses through the art of collage. 

Watch sections 1–3 

Facilitation guideline, art supply list, and glossary


A dynamic and unique element, shape will be explored through a variety of mediums, followed up by an exploration of shape through the art of Notan. 

Watch sections 1–3

Facilitation guideline, art supply list, and glossary


One of the fundamental building blocks of art, students will explore the vast qualities of line and use what they learn to create a unique paper project. 

Watch sections 1–3

Facilitation guideline, art supply list, and glossary


Investigate the element of space through our collection as we look at distance and area around and within shapes from Cézanne to Hawai‘i’s Satoru Abe. 

Watch sections 1–3

Facilitation guideline, art supply list, and glossary


Explore how form differs from shape, learn how to define it, and where to find it. Play with industrial design to create your own functional form. 

Watch sections 1–3

Facilitation guideline, art supply list, and glossary

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