Photo courtesy of Lila Lee

HI Sk8 Films 2024

Sat Nov 30 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Grab your tickets early for the 13th year of HI Sk8 Films!
Sat Nov 30
7:00PM - 9:00PM

Anyone following the progress of Hawaiʻi’s annual skateboarding short film showcase must agree: Isaac Newton’s first law of motion is true. An object in motion really does stay in motion. At least that’s one helpful way of comprehending the wild fact that HI Sk8 Films has managed to roll right along into its thirteenth consecutive year. That’s right, the little-skate-punk of an event is a teenager, zits and all. Find your seat in the roaring crowd this year to find out all the ways HI Sk8 has grown, changed, and, for better or worse, stayed exactly the same as it has been since 2012. 
Photo courtesy of Lila Lee. 

Before the show, enjoy beer, wine, and music in Luce Pavilion at 6pm. 
And be sure to enter through the Beretania Street front gate, where a skateboard check will be available.