Create your legacy

Make a lasting impact on the museum’s future and your community by establishing a legacy gift. By naming the Honolulu Museum of Art in your estate plan, your legacy is continued as an Anna Rice Cooke Society member, sustaining the museum for future generations.

What are the benefits of donating to the Honolulu Museum of Art?

  • Tax advantages
  • Legacy and recognition: Recognized as an Anna Rice Cooke Society Member
  • Community impact: Preserving the museum for future generations

How do I name the Honolulu Museum of Art as a beneficiary?

With gifts involving any of these assets, there are many options to consider:

  • Codicil to your will
  • Amendment to your revocable trust
  • Retirement plan beneficiary designation
  • Naming HoMA the beneficiary of your life insurance plan
  • Donor-advised fund or private foundation succession plan

Estate plans should be prepared by and with the advice of an attorney to ensure that your intentions are carried out. Please contact [email protected] to discuss your situation.

How can I sell or donate a piece of art to the museum?

The museum is always interested in adding new objects to its collection. The first step is to mail or email color photographs of the art objects accompanied by detailed descriptions of the objects and how they were obtained. It is also helpful to include a brief statement regarding why you would like the Honolulu Museum of Art to consider them for acquisition to the museum.

Please email Cori Mackie at [email protected] for more information.

After receiving your information, a representative of the curatorial department will determine if the items are appropriate for addition to the museum’s collection. If it is determined to be something the museum should pursue, a representative from the curatorial department will contact you about our accession policy