Celebrating volunteers at Springtide

Each year the museum holds Springtide to thank and celebrate a dedicated group of people who are essential to its daily operations—volunteers. Participants enjoyed dinner and live music in the café.

In her opening remarks, Volunteer Coordinator Kaylee Clark thanked the volunteers for “the energy, enthusiasm, and dedication you bring to your roles.” And director and CEO Halona Norton-Westbrook talked about how Springtide is her favorite museum event, to be able to honor people who give so much to HoMA.

She then went on to cite some remarkable numbers—in 2022, volunteers dedicated 10,071 hours of service. Docents gave 5,881 hours of tours to visitors and school groups. The floral team spent 435 hours creating the museum’s fabulous arrangements. Volunteers put in 641 hours running the Lending Collection. They also helped out with administration, Advancement, Collections, the Robert Allerton Art Library and as interns.

From high school students to retirees, HoMA volunteers are a diverse group. And their relationship with the museum can span decades. When Martin McMorrow accepted his certificate for 20 years of docent service, it was shared that his first visit to the museum was as a third grader in 1947.

Here are the individuals who were recognized for their service at Springtide:

25 years

Anne Miller (docent)

Jacquelyn Wesolosky (docent)

20 years

Joyce Azama (docent)

Catherine Levinson (docent)

Martin McMorrow (docent)

15 years

Susan Palmore (docent)

10 years

Cathleen Brennan (Lending Collection)

5 years

Kathy Krammer (docent)


Posted by Lesa Griffith on May 26 2023