Visitor code of conduct and policies

HoMA is dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive, and welcoming experience for everyone. Our museum Code of Conduct and policies reflect our commitment to fostering respect, appreciation, and safety for all individuals on our premises. Following these principles to ensure a great time for everyone. 

Visitor code of conduct

Respect each other and the building and grounds

Treat everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of their background, beliefs, or appearance. Verbally abusive, harassing, discriminatory or threatening statements or behavior toward museum staff, volunteers, or other visitors is prohibited. The museum does not permit soliciting or loitering. Keep the museum clean by disposing of trash in designated receptacles. Maintain proper personal hygiene to ensure the comfort and well-being of yourself and others. Smoking and vaping are strictly prohibited anywhere on museum property. Refrain from eating or drinking in museum gallery spaces. The museum reserves the right to inspect all items entering or exiting the premises. 


Help preserve the museum's collections and facilities by refraining from touching artworks or using flash photography. Follow signage and respect barriers to ensure the protection of artworks and our historic building. 


Prioritize the safety and well-being of yourself and others. Follow all safety instructions and guidelines provided by museum staff. Weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited on museum premises. Entry to the museum while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any intoxicating substances is strictly prohibited. Visitors found to be intoxicated may be denied entry or asked to leave the premises.  

Violation of HoMA’s Code of Conduct may result in corrective actions, including warnings or expulsion from the premises. The museum reserves the right to enforce the code of conduct to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all. Repeat violators are subject to loss of future access to HoMA and its events.

Visitor policies 

Bags and personal items 

Backpacks, luggage, umbrellas, and any bag or object exceeding 16 inches in diameter must be checked at the Visitor Desk. On-site storage is limited for personal items, please plan accordingly and leave these items at home or in your car. The museum is not responsible for items held at the Visitor Desk. 


Photography in the galleries is permitted, however video recording is restricted to outdoor courtyards and grounds only. All photography should be for personal, non-commercial purposes only. The use of flash, tripods, and selfie sticks is prohibited. The museum may photograph or videotape visitors in public spaces for educational and promotional purposes. 


Sketching in pencil is permitted in galleries using sketchbooks no larger than 8 1/2 x 11 inches. Easels, erasers, and sitting on the floor to sketch are not permitted.


Baby strollers are welcome at HoMA. Elevators and ramps are available to access the museum’s three floors.

Food and drink

Outside food and drinks are not permitted in the museum, including courtyards and the Doris Duke Theatre. 

Weapons and smoking

Weapons such as guns and knives are strictly prohibited. Smoking or vaping is not permitted anywhere in the museum. 


The Honolulu Museum of Art strives to be accessible to all visitors, offering a range of services to accommodate diverse needs. 

Accessibility at HoMA